12 #define ARCHIVE_DIRITER_MAGIC 0x68637261
Result archiveUnmount(const char *deviceName)
Unmounts the specified device, closing its archive in the process Returns -1 if the specified device ...
Result archiveMountSdmc(void)
Mounts the SD.
Result archiveCommitSaveData(const char *deviceName)
Uses FSUSER_ControlArchive with control action ARCHIVE_ACTION_COMMIT_SAVE_DATA on the opened archive.
Result archiveMount(FS_ArchiveID archiveID, FS_Path archivePath, const char *deviceName)
Mounts and opens an archive as deviceName Returns either an archive open error code,...
Result archive_getmtime(const char *name, u64 *mtime)
Get a file's mtime.
Result archiveUnmountAll(void)
Unmounts all devices and cleans up any resources used by the driver.
Archive IDs.
Definition: fs.h:52
Directory entry.
Definition: fs.h:162
Filesystem path data, detailing the specific target of an operation.
Definition: fs.h:232
Open directory struct.
Definition: archive.h:16
size_t size
Current entry index.
Definition: archive.h:20
ssize_t index
CTRU handle.
Definition: archive.h:19
Handle fd
Definition: archive.h:18
uint64_t u64
64-bit unsigned integer
Definition: types.h:24
u32 Handle
Resource handle.
Definition: types.h:41
s32 Result
Function result.
Definition: types.h:42
uint32_t u32
32-bit unsigned integer
Definition: types.h:23