17 u8 property_xa[0x100];
19 u8 property_xb[0x200];
21 char property_xd[0x360];
25 u32 property_xf[0xc>>2];
33 u8 property_x15[0x40];
39 u8 property_x3e[0x200];
50 bossNsDataHeaderInfoType_ContentSize = 0x3
55 bossNsDataHeaderInfoTypeSize_ContentSize = 0x4
Result bossGetTaskProperty0(const char *taskID, u8 *out)
This loads the current state of PropertyID 0x0 for the specified task.
Result bossGetTaskState(const char *taskID, s8 inval, u8 *status, u32 *out1, u8 *out2)
Returns task state.
Type values for bossGetNsDataHeaderInfo().
Definition: boss.h:49
void bossSetupContextDefault(bossContext *ctx, u32 seconds_interval, const char *url)
Setup a BOSS context with the default config.
Result bossSendContextConfig(bossContext *ctx)
Sends the config stored in the context.
Result bossInit(u64 programID, bool force_user)
Initializes BOSS.
Result bossReadNsData(u32 NsDataId, u64 offset, void *buffer, u32 size, u32 *transfer_total, u32 *unk_out)
Reads data from the content for the specified NsDataId.
Result bossUnregisterStorage(void)
Unregister the content data storage location, which includes unregistering the BOSS-session programID...
void bossExit(void)
Exits BOSS.
BOSS task status.
Definition: boss.h:43
Result bossStartTaskImmediate(const char *taskID)
Starts a task soon after running this command.
Result bossSetStorageInfo(u64 extdataID, u32 boss_size, u8 mediaType)
Set the content data storage location.
Result bossDeleteTask(const char *taskID, u32 unk)
Deletes a task by using CancelTask and UnregisterTask internally.
Result bossDeleteNsData(u32 NsDataId)
Deletes the content file for the specified NsDataId.
Result bossGetNsDataHeaderInfo(u32 NsDataId, u8 type, void *buffer, u32 size)
Gets header info for the specified NsDataId.
Result bossSendProperty(u16 PropertyID, const void *buf, u32 size)
Send a property.
Result bossReinit(u64 programID)
Run the InitializeSession service cmd.
Result bossRegisterTask(const char *taskID, u8 unk0, u8 unk1)
Register a task.
Size of the output data for bossGetNsDataHeaderInfo().
Definition: boss.h:54
Handle bossGetSessionHandle(void)
Returns the BOSS session handle.
Result bossStartBgImmediate(const char *taskID)
Similar to bossStartTaskImmediate?
BOSS context.
Definition: boss.h:9
uint64_t u64
64-bit unsigned integer
Definition: types.h:24
uint8_t u8
would be nice if newlib had this already
Definition: types.h:21
int8_t s8
8-bit signed integer
Definition: types.h:26
u32 Handle
Resource handle.
Definition: types.h:41
s32 Result
Function result.
Definition: types.h:42
uint16_t u16
16-bit unsigned integer
Definition: types.h:22
uint32_t u32
32-bit unsigned integer
Definition: types.h:23