Result CDCCHK_ReadNtrPmicRegister(u8 *outData, u8 regAddr)
Reads a single register from the NTR PMIC.
Result CDCCHK_ReadRegisters1(u8 pageId, u8 initialRegAddr, void *outData, size_t size)
Reads multiple registers from the CODEC, using the old SPI hardware interface and a 4MHz baudrate.
void cdcChkExit(void)
Result CDCCHK_ReadRegisters2(u8 pageId, u8 initialRegAddr, void *outData, size_t size)
Reads multiple registers from the CODEC, using the new SPI hardware interface and a 16MHz baudrate.
Result CDCCHK_WriteRegisters1(u8 pageId, u8 initialRegAddr, const void *data, size_t size)
Writes multiple registers to the CODEC, using the old SPI hardware interface and a 4MHz baudrate.
Handle * cdcChkGetSessionHandle(void)
Gets a pointer to the current cdc:CHK session handle.
Result CDCCHK_WriteRegisters2(u8 pageId, u8 initialRegAddr, const void *data, size_t size)
Writes multiple registers to the CODEC, using the new SPI hardware interface and a 16MHz baudrate.
Result CDCCHK_SetI2sVolume(CodecI2sLine i2sLine, s8 volume)
Sets the DAC volume level for the specified I2S line.
Result cdcChkInit(void)
Initializes CDCCHK.
Result CDCCHK_WriteNtrPmicRegister(u8 regAddr, u8 data)
Writes a single register from the NTR PMIC.
I2S line enumeration.
Definition: cdcchk.h:10
Primary I2S line, used by DSP/Mic (configurable)/GBA sound controller.
Definition: cdcchk.h:11
Secondary I2S line, used by CSND hardware.
Definition: cdcchk.h:12
uint8_t u8
would be nice if newlib had this already
Definition: types.h:21
int8_t s8
8-bit signed integer
Definition: types.h:26
u32 Handle
Resource handle.
Definition: types.h:41
s32 Result
Function result.
Definition: types.h:42