Media types.
Definition: fs.h:35
Result NIMS_GetProgress(NIM_TitleProgress *tp)
Checks the status of the current active download.
Result NIMS_UnregisterTask(u64 titleId)
Unregisters a background download task.
Result nimsInitWithTIN(void *buffer, size_t buffer_len, const char *TIN)
Initializes nim:s with the given TIN.
Result NIMS_SetAttribute(const char *attr, const char *val)
Sets an attribute.
Result NIMS_StartDownloadSimple(const NIM_TitleConfig *cfg)
Starts an active download with NIM with default installation mode; cannot reinstall titles.
Result NIMS_IsTaskRegistered(u64 titleId, bool *registered)
Checks whether a background download task for the given title is registered with NIM.
Result NIMS_RegisterTask(const NIM_TitleConfig *cfg, const char *name, const char *maker)
Registers a background download task with NIM.
Result NIMS_StartDownload(const NIM_TitleConfig *cfg, NIM_InstallationMode mode)
Starts an active download with NIM.
void NIMS_MakeTitleConfig(NIM_TitleConfig *cfg, u64 titleId, u32 version, u8 ratingAge, FS_MediaType mediaType)
Makes a TitleConfig struct for use with NIMS_RegisterTask, NIMS_StartDownload or NIMS_StartDownloadSi...
Result nimsInit(void *buffer, size_t buffer_len)
Initializes nim:s.
void nimsExit(void)
Exits nim:s.
Result NIMS_CancelDownload(void)
Cancels the current active download with NIM.
Handle * nimsGetSessionHandle(void)
Gets the current nim:s session handle.
Result NIMS_WantUpdate(bool *want_update)
Checks if nim wants a system update.
Mode that NIM downloads/installs a title with.
Definition: nim.h:19
Definition: nim.h:21
Reinstall currently installed title; use this if the title is already installed (including updates)
Definition: nim.h:23
Initial installation.
Definition: nim.h:20
Definition: nim.h:22
Current state of a NIM download/installation.
Definition: nim.h:28
Irrecoverable error encountered (e.g. out of space)
Definition: nim.h:39
Creating the .ctx file?
Definition: nim.h:38
Running AM_CommitImportTitles.
Definition: nim.h:35
Downloading and installing contents.
Definition: nim.h:33
Invalid state.
Definition: nim.h:40
Downloading and installing TMD.
Definition: nim.h:31
Initializing save data.
Definition: nim.h:32
(unknown error regarding title version)
Definition: nim.h:37
Download not yet initialized.
Definition: nim.h:29
Title installation finished.
Definition: nim.h:36
Waiting before calling AM_CommitImportTitles.
Definition: nim.h:34
Download initialized.
Definition: nim.h:30
Input configuration for NIM download/installation tasks.
Definition: nim.h:45
u32 unknown_1
Unknown input, seems to be always 0.
Definition: nim.h:52
u32 version
Title version.
Definition: nim.h:47
u8 mediaType
Media type, see FS_MediaType enum.
Definition: nim.h:50
u64 titleId
Title ID.
Definition: nim.h:46
u8 ratingAge
Age for the HOME Menu parental controls.
Definition: nim.h:49
u32 unknown_0
Always 0.
Definition: nim.h:48
Output struct for NIM downloads/installations in progress.
Definition: nim.h:57
u32 state
State, see NIM_DownloadState enum.
Definition: nim.h:58
u64 downloadedSize
Amount of bytes that have been downloaded.
Definition: nim.h:60
u64 totalSize
Amount of bytes that need to be downloaded in total.
Definition: nim.h:61
Result lastResult
Last result code in NIM.
Definition: nim.h:59
uint64_t u64
64-bit unsigned integer
Definition: types.h:24
uint8_t u8
would be nice if newlib had this already
Definition: types.h:21
u32 Handle
Resource handle.
Definition: types.h:41
s32 Result
Function result.
Definition: types.h:42
uint32_t u32
32-bit unsigned integer
Definition: types.h:23