9 #define FRIEND_COMMENT_SIZE 0x21
10 #define FRIEND_LIST_SIZE 0x64
Result FRD_GetMyComment(char *comment, size_t max_size)
Gets the current user's comment on their friend profile.
Result FRD_GetMyFavoriteGame(u64 *titleId)
Gets the current user's favourite game.
Result FRD_GetMyPreference(bool *isPublicMode, bool *isShowGameName, bool *isShowPlayedGame)
Gets the current user's privacy information.
Result FRD_GetMyMii(MiiData *mii)
Gets the current user's Mii data.
Result FRD_GetFriendMii(MiiData *miiDataList, const FriendKey *friendKeyList, size_t size)
Gets the current user's friends' Mii data.
Result FRD_GetMyPlayingGame(u64 *titleId)
Gets the current user's playing game.
Result FRD_IsInFriendList(FriendKey *friendKeyList, bool *isFromList)
Gets whether a friend key is included in the current user's friend list.
Result FRD_AddFriendOnline(Handle event, u32 principalId)
Add a Friend online.
Result FRD_GetMyScreenName(char *name, size_t max_size)
Gets the current user's screen name.
void frdExit(void)
Exists FRD.
Result FRD_AttachToEventNotification(Handle event)
Event which is signaled when friend login states change.
Result FRD_RemoveFriend(u32 principalId, u64 localFriendCode)
Remove a Friend.
Result FRD_GetFriendFavouriteGame(GameDescription *desc, const FriendKey *friendKeyList, u32 count)
Get the current user's friends' favourite game.
Result FRD_GetFriendPlayingGame(GameDescription *desc, const FriendKey *friendKeyList, size_t size)
Get the current user's friends' playing game.
Result FRD_IsValidFriendCode(u64 friendCode, bool *isValid)
Checks if the friend code is valid.
Result frdInit(void)
Initializes FRD service.
Result FRD_SetClientSdkVersion(u32 sdkVer)
Sets the Friend API to use a specific SDK version.
Enum to use with FRD_GetNotificationEvent.
Definition: frd.h:61
Friend Sent invitation.
Definition: frd.h:70
Friend registered self as friend.
Definition: frd.h:69
Friend Profile changed.
Definition: frd.h:67
Friend went offline.
Definition: frd.h:68
Self went online.
Definition: frd.h:62
Self went offline.
Definition: frd.h:63
Friend Went Online.
Definition: frd.h:64
Friend Mii changed.
Definition: frd.h:66
Friend Presence changed.
Definition: frd.h:65
Result FRD_UpdateGameModeDescription(const char *desc)
Updates the game mode description string.
Result FRDU_HasLoggedIn(bool *state)
Gets the login status of the current user.
Result FRD_PrincipalIdToFriendCode(u32 principalId, u64 *friendCode)
Returns the friend code using the given principal ID.
Result FRD_GetEventNotification(NotificationEvent *event, u32 count, u32 *recievedNotifCount)
Get Latest Event Notification.
Handle * frdGetSessionHandle(void)
Get FRD handle.
Result FRD_GetMyFriendKey(FriendKey *key)
Gets the current user's friend key.
Result FRDU_IsOnline(bool *state)
Gets the online status of the current user.
Result FRD_Login(Handle event)
Log in to Nintendo's friend server.
Result FRD_GetFriendKeyList(FriendKey *friendKeyList, u32 *num, u32 offset, u32 size)
Gets the current user's friend key list.
Result FRD_Logout(void)
Logs out of Nintendo's friend server.
Result FRD_GetFriendProfile(FriendProfile *profile, const FriendKey *friendKeyList, size_t size)
Get the current user's friends' profile data.
Result FRD_GetMyProfile(FriendProfile *profile)
Gets the current user's profile information.
Result FRD_FriendCodeToPrincipalId(u64 friendCode, u32 *principalId)
Returns the principal ID using the given friend code.
Friend key data.
Definition: frd.h:16
Friend profile data.
Definition: frd.h:32
u8 platform
Platform code.
Definition: frd.h:37
u8 region
The region code for the hardware.
Definition: frd.h:33
u8 country
Country code.
Definition: frd.h:34
u8 area
Area code.
Definition: frd.h:35
u8 language
Language code.
Definition: frd.h:36
Game Description structure.
Definition: frd.h:43
Shared Mii struct.
Definition: mii.h:13
Friend Notification Event structure.
Definition: frd.h:50
Friend Title data.
Definition: frd.h:24
uint64_t u64
64-bit unsigned integer
Definition: types.h:24
uint8_t u8
would be nice if newlib had this already
Definition: types.h:21
u32 Handle
Resource handle.
Definition: types.h:41
s32 Result
Function result.
Definition: types.h:42
uint16_t u16
16-bit unsigned integer
Definition: types.h:22
uint32_t u32
32-bit unsigned integer
Definition: types.h:23