libctru  v2.3.1
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <3ds.h>
Result http_download(const char *url)
Result ret=0;
httpcContext context;
char *newurl=NULL;
u8* framebuf_top;
u32 statuscode=0;
u32 contentsize=0, readsize=0, size=0;
u8 *buf, *lastbuf;
printf("Downloading %s\n",url);
do {
ret = httpcOpenContext(&context, HTTPC_METHOD_GET, url, 1);
printf("return from httpcOpenContext: %" PRId32 "\n",ret);
// This disables SSL cert verification, so https:// will be usable
ret = httpcSetSSLOpt(&context, SSLCOPT_DisableVerify);
printf("return from httpcSetSSLOpt: %" PRId32 "\n",ret);
// Enable Keep-Alive connections
ret = httpcSetKeepAlive(&context, HTTPC_KEEPALIVE_ENABLED);
printf("return from httpcSetKeepAlive: %" PRId32 "\n",ret);
// Set a User-Agent header so websites can identify your application
ret = httpcAddRequestHeaderField(&context, "User-Agent", "httpc-example/1.0.0");
printf("return from httpcAddRequestHeaderField: %" PRId32 "\n",ret);
// Tell the server we can support Keep-Alive connections.
// This will delay connection teardown momentarily (typically 5s)
// in case there is another request made to the same server.
ret = httpcAddRequestHeaderField(&context, "Connection", "Keep-Alive");
printf("return from httpcAddRequestHeaderField: %" PRId32 "\n",ret);
ret = httpcBeginRequest(&context);
if(newurl!=NULL) free(newurl);
return ret;
ret = httpcGetResponseStatusCode(&context, &statuscode);
if(newurl!=NULL) free(newurl);
return ret;
if ((statuscode >= 301 && statuscode <= 303) || (statuscode >= 307 && statuscode <= 308)) {
if(newurl==NULL) newurl = (char*)malloc(0x1000); // One 4K page for new URL
if (newurl==NULL){
return -1;
ret = httpcGetResponseHeader(&context, "Location", newurl, 0x1000);
url = newurl; // Change pointer to the url that we just learned
printf("redirecting to url: %s\n",url);
httpcCloseContext(&context); // Close this context before we try the next
} while ((statuscode >= 301 && statuscode <= 303) || (statuscode >= 307 && statuscode <= 308));
printf("URL returned status: %" PRId32 "\n", statuscode);
if(newurl!=NULL) free(newurl);
return -2;
// This relies on an optional Content-Length header and may be 0
ret=httpcGetDownloadSizeState(&context, NULL, &contentsize);
if(newurl!=NULL) free(newurl);
return ret;
printf("reported size: %" PRId32 "\n",contentsize);
// Start with a single page buffer
buf = (u8*)malloc(0x1000);
if(newurl!=NULL) free(newurl);
return -1;
do {
// This download loop resizes the buffer as data is read.
ret = httpcDownloadData(&context, buf+size, 0x1000, &readsize);
size += readsize;
lastbuf = buf; // Save the old pointer, in case realloc() fails.
buf = (u8*)realloc(buf, size + 0x1000);
if(newurl!=NULL) free(newurl);
return -1;
if(newurl!=NULL) free(newurl);
return -1;
// Resize the buffer back down to our actual final size
lastbuf = buf;
buf = (u8*)realloc(buf, size);
if(buf==NULL){ // realloc() failed.
if(newurl!=NULL) free(newurl);
return -1;
printf("downloaded size: %" PRId32 "\n",size);
if(size>(240*400*3*2))size = 240*400*3*2;
framebuf_top = gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_TOP, GFX_LEFT, NULL, NULL);
memcpy(framebuf_top, buf, size);
framebuf_top = gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_TOP, GFX_LEFT, NULL, NULL);
memcpy(framebuf_top, buf, size);
if (newurl!=NULL) free(newurl);
return 0;
int main()
Result ret=0;
httpcInit(0); // Buffer size when POST/PUT.
// Try the following for redirection to the above URL.
// ret=http_download("");
printf("return from http_download: %" PRId32 "\n",ret);
// Main loop
while (aptMainLoop())
// Your code goes here
u32 kDown = hidKeysDown();
if (kDown & KEY_START)
break; // break in order to return to hbmenu
// Exit services
return 0;
Central 3DS header.
bool aptMainLoop(void)
Main function which handles sleep mode and HOME/power buttons - call this at the beginning of every f...
PrintConsole * consoleInit(gfxScreen_t screen, PrintConsole *console)
Initialise the console.
void gfxSwapBuffers(void)
Updates the configuration of both screens.
void gfxInitDefault(void)
Initializes the LCD framebuffers with default parameters This is equivalent to calling:
u8 * gfxGetFramebuffer(gfxScreen_t screen, gfx3dSide_t side, u16 *width, u16 *height)
Retrieves the framebuffer of the specified screen to which graphics should be rendered.
Bottom screen.
Definition: gfx.h:27
Top screen.
Definition: gfx.h:26
void gfxExit(void)
Deinitializes and frees the LCD framebuffers.
Left eye framebuffer.
Definition: gfx.h:37
void gfxFlushBuffers(void)
Flushes the data cache for the current framebuffers.
#define gspWaitForVBlank()
Waits for VBlank.
Definition: gspgpu.h:151
Definition: hid.h:15
u32 hidKeysDown(void)
Returns a bitmask of newly pressed buttons, this frame.
void hidScanInput(void)
Scans HID for input data.
Result httpcGetResponseStatusCode(httpcContext *context, u32 *out)
Gets the response code of the HTTP context.
Result httpcBeginRequest(httpcContext *context)
Begins a HTTP request.
Result httpcGetResponseHeader(httpcContext *context, const char *name, char *value, u32 valuebuf_maxsize)
Gets a response header field from a HTTP context.
Result httpcGetDownloadSizeState(httpcContext *context, u32 *downloadedsize, u32 *contentsize)
Gets the download size state of a HTTP context.
Result httpcSetKeepAlive(httpcContext *context, HTTPC_KeepAlive option)
Sets Keep-Alive for the context.
Result httpcAddRequestHeaderField(httpcContext *context, const char *name, const char *value)
Adds a request header field to a HTTP context.
Result httpcInit(u32 sharedmem_size)
Initializes HTTPC. For HTTP GET the sharedmem_size can be zero. The sharedmem contains data which wil...
Result httpcDownloadData(httpcContext *context, u8 *buffer, u32 size, u32 *downloadedsize)
Downloads data from the HTTP context into a buffer.
Result httpcOpenContext(httpcContext *context, HTTPC_RequestMethod method, const char *url, u32 use_defaultproxy)
Opens a HTTP context.
void httpcExit(void)
Exits HTTPC.
Result code returned when a download is pending.
Definition: httpc.h:35
Result httpcSetSSLOpt(httpcContext *context, u32 options)
Sets SSL options for the context.
Result httpcCloseContext(httpcContext *context)
Closes a HTTP context.
HTTP context.
Definition: httpc.h:8
uint8_t u8
would be nice if newlib had this already
Definition: types.h:21
s32 Result
Function result.
Definition: types.h:42
int32_t s32
32-bit signed integer
Definition: types.h:28
uint32_t u32
32-bit unsigned integer
Definition: types.h:23