libctru  v2.4.1
Data Structures | Macros | Enumerations | Functions
httpc.h File Reference

HTTP service. More...

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Data Structures

struct  httpcContext
 HTTP context. More...


 Result code returned when a download is pending.
#define HTTPC_RESULTCODE_NOTFOUND   0xd840a028
#define HTTPC_RESULTCODE_TIMEDOUT   0xd820a069


enum  HTTPC_RequestMethod {
 HTTP request method.
enum  HTTPC_RequestStatus {
 HTTP request status. More...
enum  HTTPC_KeepAlive {
 HTTP KeepAlive option.


Result httpcInit (u32 sharedmem_size)
 Initializes HTTPC. For HTTP GET the sharedmem_size can be zero. The sharedmem contains data which will be later uploaded for HTTP POST. sharedmem_size should be aligned to 0x1000-bytes.
void httpcExit (void)
 Exits HTTPC.
Result httpcOpenContext (httpcContext *context, HTTPC_RequestMethod method, const char *url, u32 use_defaultproxy)
 Opens a HTTP context. More...
Result httpcCloseContext (httpcContext *context)
 Closes a HTTP context. More...
Result httpcCancelConnection (httpcContext *context)
 Cancels a HTTP connection. More...
Result httpcAddRequestHeaderField (httpcContext *context, const char *name, const char *value)
 Adds a request header field to a HTTP context. More...
Result httpcAddPostDataAscii (httpcContext *context, const char *name, const char *value)
 Adds a POST form field to a HTTP context. More...
Result httpcAddPostDataBinary (httpcContext *context, const char *name, const u8 *value, u32 len)
 Adds a POST form field with binary data to a HTTP context. More...
Result httpcAddPostDataRaw (httpcContext *context, const u32 *data, u32 len)
 Adds a POST body to a HTTP context. More...
Result httpcBeginRequest (httpcContext *context)
 Begins a HTTP request. More...
Result httpcReceiveData (httpcContext *context, u8 *buffer, u32 size)
 Receives data from a HTTP context. More...
Result httpcReceiveDataTimeout (httpcContext *context, u8 *buffer, u32 size, u64 timeout)
 Receives data from a HTTP context with a timeout value. More...
Result httpcGetRequestState (httpcContext *context, HTTPC_RequestStatus *out)
 Gets the request state of a HTTP context. More...
Result httpcGetDownloadSizeState (httpcContext *context, u32 *downloadedsize, u32 *contentsize)
 Gets the download size state of a HTTP context. More...
Result httpcGetResponseStatusCode (httpcContext *context, u32 *out)
 Gets the response code of the HTTP context. More...
Result httpcGetResponseStatusCodeTimeout (httpcContext *context, u32 *out, u64 timeout)
 Gets the response code of the HTTP context with a timeout value. More...
Result httpcGetResponseHeader (httpcContext *context, const char *name, char *value, u32 valuebuf_maxsize)
 Gets a response header field from a HTTP context. More...
Result httpcAddTrustedRootCA (httpcContext *context, const u8 *cert, u32 certsize)
 Adds a trusted RootCA cert to a HTTP context. More...
Result httpcAddDefaultCert (httpcContext *context, SSLC_DefaultRootCert certID)
 Adds a default RootCA cert to a HTTP context. More...
Result httpcSelectRootCertChain (httpcContext *context, u32 RootCertChain_contexthandle)
 Sets the RootCertChain for a HTTP context. More...
Result httpcSetClientCert (httpcContext *context, const u8 *cert, u32 certsize, const u8 *privk, u32 privk_size)
 Sets the ClientCert for a HTTP context. More...
Result httpcSetClientCertDefault (httpcContext *context, SSLC_DefaultClientCert certID)
 Sets the default clientcert for a HTTP context. More...
Result httpcSetClientCertContext (httpcContext *context, u32 ClientCert_contexthandle)
 Sets the ClientCert contexthandle for a HTTP context. More...
Result httpcSetSSLOpt (httpcContext *context, u32 options)
 Sets SSL options for the context. More...
Result httpcSetSSLClearOpt (httpcContext *context, u32 options)
 Sets the SSL options which will be cleared for the context. More...
Result httpcCreateRootCertChain (u32 *RootCertChain_contexthandle)
 Creates a RootCertChain. More...
Result httpcDestroyRootCertChain (u32 RootCertChain_contexthandle)
 Destroy a RootCertChain. More...
Result httpcRootCertChainAddCert (u32 RootCertChain_contexthandle, const u8 *cert, u32 certsize, u32 *cert_contexthandle)
 Adds a RootCA cert to a RootCertChain. More...
Result httpcRootCertChainAddDefaultCert (u32 RootCertChain_contexthandle, SSLC_DefaultRootCert certID, u32 *cert_contexthandle)
 Adds a default RootCA cert to a RootCertChain. More...
Result httpcRootCertChainRemoveCert (u32 RootCertChain_contexthandle, u32 cert_contexthandle)
 Removes a cert from a RootCertChain. More...
Result httpcOpenClientCertContext (const u8 *cert, u32 certsize, const u8 *privk, u32 privk_size, u32 *ClientCert_contexthandle)
 Opens a ClientCert-context. More...
Result httpcOpenDefaultClientCertContext (SSLC_DefaultClientCert certID, u32 *ClientCert_contexthandle)
 Opens a ClientCert-context with a default clientclient. More...
Result httpcCloseClientCertContext (u32 ClientCert_contexthandle)
 Closes a ClientCert context. More...
Result httpcDownloadData (httpcContext *context, u8 *buffer, u32 size, u32 *downloadedsize)
 Downloads data from the HTTP context into a buffer. More...
Result httpcSetKeepAlive (httpcContext *context, HTTPC_KeepAlive option)
 Sets Keep-Alive for the context. More...

Detailed Description

HTTP service.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ HTTPC_RequestStatus

HTTP request status.


Request in progress.


Download ready.

Function Documentation

◆ httpcAddDefaultCert()

Result httpcAddDefaultCert ( httpcContext context,
SSLC_DefaultRootCert  certID 

Adds a default RootCA cert to a HTTP context.

contextContext to use.
certIDID of the cert to add, see sslc.h.

◆ httpcAddPostDataAscii()

Result httpcAddPostDataAscii ( httpcContext context,
const char *  name,
const char *  value 

Adds a POST form field to a HTTP context.

contextContext to use.
nameName of the field.
valueValue of the field.

◆ httpcAddPostDataBinary()

Result httpcAddPostDataBinary ( httpcContext context,
const char *  name,
const u8 value,
u32  len 

Adds a POST form field with binary data to a HTTP context.

contextContext to use.
nameName of the field.
valueThe binary data to pass as a value.
lenLength of the binary data which has been passed.

◆ httpcAddPostDataRaw()

Result httpcAddPostDataRaw ( httpcContext context,
const u32 data,
u32  len 

Adds a POST body to a HTTP context.

contextContext to use.
dataThe data to be passed as raw into the body of the post request.
lenLength of data passed by data param.

◆ httpcAddRequestHeaderField()

Result httpcAddRequestHeaderField ( httpcContext context,
const char *  name,
const char *  value 

Adds a request header field to a HTTP context.

contextContext to use.
nameName of the field.
valueValue of the field.
network/http/source/main.c, and network/http_post/source/main.c.

◆ httpcAddTrustedRootCA()

Result httpcAddTrustedRootCA ( httpcContext context,
const u8 cert,
u32  certsize 

Adds a trusted RootCA cert to a HTTP context.

contextContext to use.
certPointer to DER cert.
certsizeSize of the DER cert.

◆ httpcBeginRequest()

Result httpcBeginRequest ( httpcContext context)

Begins a HTTP request.

contextContext to use.
network/http/source/main.c, and network/http_post/source/main.c.

◆ httpcCancelConnection()

Result httpcCancelConnection ( httpcContext context)

Cancels a HTTP connection.

contextContext to close.

◆ httpcCloseClientCertContext()

Result httpcCloseClientCertContext ( u32  ClientCert_contexthandle)

Closes a ClientCert context.

ClientCert_contexthandleClientCert context to use.

◆ httpcCloseContext()

Result httpcCloseContext ( httpcContext context)

Closes a HTTP context.

contextContext to close.
network/http/source/main.c, and network/http_post/source/main.c.

◆ httpcCreateRootCertChain()

Result httpcCreateRootCertChain ( u32 RootCertChain_contexthandle)

Creates a RootCertChain.

Up to 2 RootCertChains can be created under this user-process.

RootCertChain_contexthandleOutput RootCertChain contexthandle.

◆ httpcDestroyRootCertChain()

Result httpcDestroyRootCertChain ( u32  RootCertChain_contexthandle)

Destroy a RootCertChain.

RootCertChain_contexthandleRootCertChain to use.

◆ httpcDownloadData()

Result httpcDownloadData ( httpcContext context,
u8 buffer,
u32  size,
u32 downloadedsize 

Downloads data from the HTTP context into a buffer.

The entire content must be downloaded before using httpcCloseContext(), otherwise httpcCloseContext() will hang.

contextContext to download data from.
bufferBuffer to write data to.
sizeSize of the buffer.
downloadedsizePointer to write the size of the downloaded data to.
network/http/source/main.c, and network/http_post/source/main.c.

◆ httpcGetDownloadSizeState()

Result httpcGetDownloadSizeState ( httpcContext context,
u32 downloadedsize,
u32 contentsize 

Gets the download size state of a HTTP context.

contextContext to use.
downloadedsizePointer to output the downloaded size to.
contentsizePointer to output the total content size to.
network/http/source/main.c, and network/http_post/source/main.c.

◆ httpcGetRequestState()

Result httpcGetRequestState ( httpcContext context,
HTTPC_RequestStatus out 

Gets the request state of a HTTP context.

contextContext to use.
outPointer to output the HTTP request state to.

◆ httpcGetResponseHeader()

Result httpcGetResponseHeader ( httpcContext context,
const char *  name,
char *  value,
u32  valuebuf_maxsize 

Gets a response header field from a HTTP context.

contextContext to use.
nameName of the field.
valuePointer to output the value of the field to.
valuebuf_maxsizeMaximum size of the value buffer.
network/http/source/main.c, and network/http_post/source/main.c.

◆ httpcGetResponseStatusCode()

Result httpcGetResponseStatusCode ( httpcContext context,
u32 out 

Gets the response code of the HTTP context.

contextContext to get the response code of.
outPointer to write the response code to.
network/http/source/main.c, and network/http_post/source/main.c.

◆ httpcGetResponseStatusCodeTimeout()

Result httpcGetResponseStatusCodeTimeout ( httpcContext context,
u32 out,
u64  timeout 

Gets the response code of the HTTP context with a timeout value.

contextContext to get the response code of.
outPointer to write the response code to.
timeoutMaximum time in nanoseconds to wait for a reply.

◆ httpcOpenClientCertContext()

Result httpcOpenClientCertContext ( const u8 cert,
u32  certsize,
const u8 privk,
u32  privk_size,
u32 ClientCert_contexthandle 

Opens a ClientCert-context.

Up to 2 ClientCert-contexts can be open under this user-process.

certPointer to DER cert.
certsizeSize of the DER cert.
privkPointer to the DER private key.
privk_sizeSize of the privk.
ClientCert_contexthandleOutput ClientCert context handle.

◆ httpcOpenContext()

Result httpcOpenContext ( httpcContext context,
HTTPC_RequestMethod  method,
const char *  url,
u32  use_defaultproxy 

Opens a HTTP context.

contextContext to open.
urlURL to connect to.
use_defaultproxyWhether the default proxy should be used (0 for default)
network/http/source/main.c, and network/http_post/source/main.c.

◆ httpcOpenDefaultClientCertContext()

Result httpcOpenDefaultClientCertContext ( SSLC_DefaultClientCert  certID,
u32 ClientCert_contexthandle 

Opens a ClientCert-context with a default clientclient.

Up to 2 ClientCert-contexts can be open under this user-process.

certIDID of the cert to add, see sslc.h.
ClientCert_contexthandleOutput ClientCert context handle.

◆ httpcReceiveData()

Result httpcReceiveData ( httpcContext context,
u8 buffer,
u32  size 

Receives data from a HTTP context.

contextContext to use.
bufferBuffer to receive data to.
sizeSize of the buffer.

◆ httpcReceiveDataTimeout()

Result httpcReceiveDataTimeout ( httpcContext context,
u8 buffer,
u32  size,
u64  timeout 

Receives data from a HTTP context with a timeout value.

contextContext to use.
bufferBuffer to receive data to.
sizeSize of the buffer.
timeoutMaximum time in nanoseconds to wait for a reply.

◆ httpcRootCertChainAddCert()

Result httpcRootCertChainAddCert ( u32  RootCertChain_contexthandle,
const u8 cert,
u32  certsize,
u32 cert_contexthandle 

Adds a RootCA cert to a RootCertChain.

RootCertChain_contexthandleRootCertChain to use.
certPointer to DER cert.
certsizeSize of the DER cert.
cert_contexthandleOptional output ptr for the cert contexthandle(this can be NULL).

◆ httpcRootCertChainAddDefaultCert()

Result httpcRootCertChainAddDefaultCert ( u32  RootCertChain_contexthandle,
SSLC_DefaultRootCert  certID,
u32 cert_contexthandle 

Adds a default RootCA cert to a RootCertChain.

RootCertChain_contexthandleRootCertChain to use.
certIDID of the cert to add, see sslc.h.
cert_contexthandleOptional output ptr for the cert contexthandle(this can be NULL).

◆ httpcRootCertChainRemoveCert()

Result httpcRootCertChainRemoveCert ( u32  RootCertChain_contexthandle,
u32  cert_contexthandle 

Removes a cert from a RootCertChain.

RootCertChain_contexthandleRootCertChain to use.
cert_contexthandleContexthandle of the cert to remove.

◆ httpcSelectRootCertChain()

Result httpcSelectRootCertChain ( httpcContext context,
u32  RootCertChain_contexthandle 

Sets the RootCertChain for a HTTP context.

contextContext to use.
RootCertChain_contexthandleContexthandle for the RootCertChain.

◆ httpcSetClientCert()

Result httpcSetClientCert ( httpcContext context,
const u8 cert,
u32  certsize,
const u8 privk,
u32  privk_size 

Sets the ClientCert for a HTTP context.

contextContext to use.
certPointer to DER cert.
certsizeSize of the DER cert.
privkPointer to the DER private key.
privk_sizeSize of the privk.

◆ httpcSetClientCertContext()

Result httpcSetClientCertContext ( httpcContext context,
u32  ClientCert_contexthandle 

Sets the ClientCert contexthandle for a HTTP context.

contextContext to use.
ClientCert_contexthandleContexthandle for the ClientCert.

◆ httpcSetClientCertDefault()

Result httpcSetClientCertDefault ( httpcContext context,
SSLC_DefaultClientCert  certID 

Sets the default clientcert for a HTTP context.

contextContext to use.
certIDID of the cert to add, see sslc.h.

◆ httpcSetKeepAlive()

Result httpcSetKeepAlive ( httpcContext context,
HTTPC_KeepAlive  option 

Sets Keep-Alive for the context.

contextContext to set the KeepAlive flag on.
optionHTTPC_KeepAlive option.
network/http/source/main.c, and network/http_post/source/main.c.

◆ httpcSetSSLClearOpt()

Result httpcSetSSLClearOpt ( httpcContext context,
u32  options 

Sets the SSL options which will be cleared for the context.

The HTTPC SSL option bits are the same as those defined in sslc.h

contextContext to clear flags on.
optionsSSL option flags.

◆ httpcSetSSLOpt()

Result httpcSetSSLOpt ( httpcContext context,
u32  options 

Sets SSL options for the context.

The HTTPC SSL option bits are the same as those defined in sslc.h

contextContext to set flags on.
optionsSSL option flags.
network/http/source/main.c, and network/http_post/source/main.c.