libctru  v2.4.1
Data Fields
FINF_s Struct Reference

Font information structure. More...

#include <font.h>

Data Fields

u32 signature
 Signature (FINF).
u32 sectionSize
 Section size.
u8 fontType
 Font type.
u8 lineFeed
 Line feed vertical distance.
u16 alterCharIndex
 Glyph index of the replacement character.
charWidthInfo_s defaultWidth
 Default character width information.
u8 encoding
 Font encoding (?)
 Pointer to texture sheet information.
CWDH_s * cwdh
 Pointer to the first character width information block.
CMAP_s * cmap
 Pointer to the first character map.
u8 height
 Font height.
u8 width
 Font width.
u8 ascent
 Font ascent.
u8 padding

Detailed Description

Font information structure.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: